Lavanya - | Inspired by trueevents
“LAVANYA” is a short film dedicated on the critical issue of Dementia, specifically focusing on educating viewers about its early symptoms. This film serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to understand this complex condition better. The fact that it is inspired by true events lends authenticity and credibility to the narrative, making it even more impactful.
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Mental illness - Dementia
We are trying to bring awareness about increasing mental illness in the world. This small initiative will help people struggling with some form of mental illness and many of us will get knowledge to identify it at early stage and find solutions.
AVOCADO (Hindi Short Film)
The story is about supernatural power in a child. Every person come across that power have different perspective for it. A doctor see it as delusion, aunt see is as ghost, a friend see it as dream and fear but what is it? It is hard to see the shadow of the rain, same as it is hard to guess the limits of our brain. Every brain has a different perspective to guess the truth. Find the limits of your brain… (suspense)
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Mango Shake (Hindi Comedy - Short film)
Story of a teenager in her own world and dare for her desire. Find out how she finally get caught.